Discover the Truth about Milk: Myths and Facts

Is milk good or bad for you? The question that creates confusion among most people and mostly stems from misconceptions. With the internet full of pros and cons of having milk there are so many myths about milk that keeps us away from a glass of milk full of calcium and vitamins.

Here are some milk myths and facts that will help you discover the truth about milk.

  1. Myth: Raw Milk is healthier.
    Fact: Raw milk can pose serious health risks.
    Raw milk is unpasteurised and therefore contains harmful microorganisms that can pose serious health risks and exposure to dangerous bacteria such as E. coli, listeria, campylobacter, and salmonella.
  1. Myth: Milk causes early puberty.
    Fact: Genetics, the prevalence of obesity, hormone disorders, and brain abnormalities are some common causes of early puberty.
    Bovine Growth Hormone found in cow’s help produce milk. After the pasteurization, these hormones are destroyed and the remaining traces are broken down during the digestion process and therefore have no effects on the human body and do not influence the onset of puberty.
  1. Myth: Milk and dairy products leads to weight gain.
    Fact: Unsweetened and low-fat milk can help lose weight.
    Excess of anything is bad and same is the case with milk. If you are avoiding weight gain and working towards fat loss then it is important that you burn more calories every day than you take in. Unsweetened and low-fat milk the best to lose weight.
  1. Myth: Milk is bad during cough and cold.
    Fact: Turmeric milk is an effective way to fight against cold and cough.
    Plain milk can make the phlegm thicker and thus cause irritation to the throat. If you are having cough and cold, turmeric milk can help fight as it is full of antioxidants that helps boosts immunity.
  1. Myth: Carton Milk is synthetic.
    Fact: Carton milk maintains nutritional value and long shelf life.
    Carton UHT milk is ultra-high temperature milk prepared by processing the milk at high temperatures to get rid of pathogens. This packaging is used to make milk shelf-stable and preserved with nutrients without adding any preservatives.

We hope this has helped you become an informed consumer. Now, make sure that you don’t give up your glass of milk so easy.