Dahi: A Healthy Summer Food!

Dahi is a versatile food that can be enjoyed with steaming parantha in breakfast, lassi in lunch or with sabji in dinner. It is a staple food in most Indian households.

Apart from providing calcium and other nutrients, Dahi has a number of health benefits. Checkout some benefits listed below:

Improves Digestion:
Curd has digestive properties, the nutrients present in curd are easily absorbed by human digestive system and curd also helps in absorbing nutrients from other foods that we eat. Curd has cooling effect therefore it is best to eat it with spicy food as it neutralises the food’s heat. In addition, it is also known to cure Pylori infections or peptic ulcers!

Healthy Heart:
Curd helps in minimising the risk of high blood pressure and also helps in reducing cholesterol levels by preventing the thickening of carotid arteries.

Boon for Lactose Intolerant:
Curd is a safe pick for those who are lactose intolerant. Curd converts the milk’s lactose to lactic acid, making it easy to digest.

Boosts Immunity:
The Good Bacteria present in the curd strengthens our immune system by fighting against microorganisms that are present in our body. Curd is extremely beneficial for women as it helps in preventing vaginal yeast infections in women. 

Strong Teeth & Bones
All dairy products are good for our bones and curd is no different. It contains high amount of phosphorus and calcium that helps promote bone growth and makes our teeth strong.

Curd is a natural skincare product as it contains nutrients like Zinc, Vitamin E and Phosphorus. Also, curd is an excellent ingredient for homemade face masks; mixed with gram flour and lime juice, it acts as a perfect de-tan mask.

A simple homemade treatment can help us get rid of dandruff with curd as it has anti-fungal properties. Whip some curd in bowl and massage it on scalp. Wait for an hour and rinse it thoroughly.

Lose Weight:
Curd is the first food that nutritionist suggests while making a diet plan. It is a well-documented fact that people who eat curd before or after their meals lose more weight than people who don’t!

Relives Stress & Anxiety:
Stress can ruin your health therefore it is important to choose a pocket friendly stress buster that can help you relax and rejuvenate. A study conducted by UCLA’s School of Medicine, states that eating curd lower the levels of activity in the part of brain responsible for emotion and pain.

Verka dahi made from verka milk, is available in various sizes including the bulk packs for special occasions. Checkout the full range, here!